MasterClasses Include:

  1. Balancing Life Spaces

  2. Emotional Intelligence

  3. Discover Meaning and Valued Living

  4. The Significance of Self Acceptance

  5. Maximizing Potential and Harnessing Strengths

  6. Growing Grit

  7. Positive Relationships

  8. Motivation and Goal Achievement

  9. Practical N.I.L (Name-Image-Likeness)

  10. Foundations of Financial Literacy

What People are saying

  • “Coach Bill Kelly provides students with a “multiple source” education process…the course program pulls from multiple sources. This method enriches the learning process, while being complementary to the standard/required text. Mr. Kelly’s approach provides students with diverse perspectives and a wider/deeper view of the subject matter.”

    The Redjai Family

  • "Coach Bill helped my son not only excel in the game of Football by teaching him mindset lessons, excercises, motivation and goal achievement, but also how to prepare for a career outside of professional sports. An all around great program."

    The Marqueez family


“…whatever you do, do it all to the glory of god!”

— 1 corinthians 10:31